The good thing about working shifts is that you get days off in the week when everyone else is at work. This is great for shopping in town centres, as it is always quiet if you avoid the lunch hours.
I was sitting in one of those generic coffee shops pretending to be all hip, young and cosmopolitan with my Cappafrappemuchopenco coffee when I overheard a sales pitch from a very attractive woman to a couple of middle aged executive types and I though to myself 'Cor, fancy being at 'work' whilst in a coffee shop? And I bet they get paid loads for the privilege'
This caused me to consider my own vocation and how much I earn and you know what it made me feel good! I may earn a lot less than these chaps but I couldn't bear to work in the 'Business Industry' again, done it before and didn't like it, it was boring and un-fulfilling . It's important to me that I enjoy my job and I do, I also like to think I make a difference. I know it's a bit cheesy but at least I know the results of my hard work help in some way instead of earning more money for huge companies. The whole internal rant I was having to myself at the time reminded me of this: -
I'll go back into work tomorrow with renewed enthusiasm, not that the Business Industry doesn't have it place, it's jut not for me.
I loved the clip. I've looked at it about 3 times now and each time I look at it, I want to cheer along. The first time I played it Gertie (a primary school teacher) watched it with me, and she had this big grin all the way through.
Yes, you do make a difference. I couldn't do your job, but I'm ever so chuffed that you do.
My, my! Anonymous - so much anger for one so scared to reveal their ID...
What's the matter? Why the hatred? Maybe, you've been identified by some prints you left at a scene? Yes, that's probably it...
Pay no heed to the Troll Negative Result, he pops his head in every now and then to hurl abuse at most Plod bloggers. I've kind of adopted him as a little pet.
How CUTE!!! And it's got the IQ and spelling of a "docket"! Aw, I wish I had one! Maybe it'll follow me home one day...
You da man! Check out the colour, the PIZZAZ!
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