I have every respect for the medical profession, I can't be trusted to be responsible for someones lunch order let alone their lives and like most Emergency services they work bloody hard, work unsociable hours, deal with lots of unpleasantness and their pay is inversely proportionate to their efforts. Very often in the 'Emergosphere' (D'ya like that? I just made that up)our paths cross, most commonly with Ambo Crews at various crime scenes and A & E Doctors when assessing a patients condition following a RTC/Attack/Fall/Failed Suicide.
Most of these people are sound level headed people who you would happily entrust you life too, there are however the very few who get a little excited and over-enthusiastic when dealing with Police incidents, we call this 'A touch of the Quincys' So far this year I have had a Life threatening injury end up as a common assault, a woman who was gang raped turn into some young girl who lost her virginity consentingly and a 'Shaking Baby Death' which was just a very unfortunate Sudden Infant death for a very very lovely family ( who were still lovely after all the interviewing and veiled accusation's)
Still it's a hard and stressful environment to work in, after all I managed to get a Urine sample from a deceased neck at a Post Mortem so we all make mistakes.