If you are looking for Glamour, Gadgets and Grissom you won't find them here. Forget what you think you know about 'Forensics', these are the tales of one man and his brush. Of course these views do not represent the views of any Police Force or indeed reflect any Force Policies ya da ya.

Thursday 10 May 2007

It was Octopussy wot dun it........

As much as we need the Public to report crimes and actually tell us what happened in detail (after a little coaxing past 'I was robbed') I do find utter frustration with the most enthusiastic of victims following me around their house telling me how many things 'they' might of touched, like the offender is some octopus/scroat hybrid with rows of fingerprints along each tentacle. This usually occurs after I'm satisfied that I have completed a thorough examination of the scene and believe I have examined all the area's where a. the surfaces are suitable for examination and b. in areas where it is realistically viable that interaction has occurred with the offender.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the value and importance of what the victim has to say, without it some examinations are guesswork and I suppose they do have a vested interest in what has happened. But please just trust my experience of dealing with thousands of Burglaries over the years, I'm not disinterested or trying to fob you off because I'm busy, I've just done all I can short of filling your house with harmful chemicals.

Saying that some are just grateful you turned up at all and at a time convenient to them, after all it doesn't occur that often.


Gargoyle said...

So, I might just as well continue being the first to comment, seeing as how no other bloggers will...

You sound to be having the same fun we did over here, too!

Sometimes we like to mess with peoples minds, particulary when you are attending a known fellon's house to check for his mate's fingerprints after he had his stash of mull stolen.

CSI:UK said...

I have heard stories of known offenders cars having their air vents filled with Ali powder for when they next turn the aircon on.

Gargoyle said...

HAHAHAHA! That look of surprise, and the first look in the mirror! Priceless! I am sure we couldn't get away with that, though...

Claire said...

Good post - vision of tentacled octopus-scrote hybrid made me laugh out loud! Hope you keep the blog going.

Mr Mans Wife said...

It's great to hear the comments of a person who really knows how it is. We've been unfortunate enough to have our house burgled, and the "finger print man" was brilliant. I hardly noticed he was there; he just quietly got on with his job and left me loads of grey marks to clean up afterwards! He was thorough, but not rediculous. I'm glad to say he found a footprint on a piece of paper and this helped them to find the bloke that did it! Amazing. I love you guys.